The new, statewide Connecting Commuters campaign aims to increase awareness of the ConnectingVA program and encourage the use of alternative modes of transportation. Whether you choose rideshare or rail, bus or bike, ConnectingVA is #ConnectingCommuters!
With the convienent ConnectingVA app you can find transportation options in your neighborhood, log your trips and earn rewards along the way.
How it works:
Easily explore your carpool, transit, bike, walk, and other travel options.
Record trips in your account and track the money you save, the miles you didn't have to drive, and your reward points.
Redeem your points for restaurant coupons, retailer discounts, and tickets to shows & attractions. It's free and easy to do, so join today.
February is We Love Transit Month! Join us all month long in showing our appreciation for our local transit providers!
The Central Virginia Region is home to several transit agencies including:
To show love to our local transit agencies, in the month of February we encourage you to try transit for your commute!
All commuters that log three transit trips between February 1 and February 28 in the ConnectingVA app, will be entered to win a $50 gift card, in addition to the points you earn everyday for logging your commute! To register or to log your transit trips, click here..
The Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) launched a new campaign on Monday, September 9 to spread awareness about Public Transit. This statewide initiative is designed to educate Virginians on the essential role public transit plays in creating connected, thriving communities and improving the quality of life for all residents.
On August 2, GLTC held a ribbon-cutting event to celebrate the launch of its new FLEX Microtransit service.